Names of Popular Soccer Tricks and How to Do Them

Names of Popular Soccer Tricks and How to Do Them

July 15, 2024 Off By Admin

Ready to explore on the field? Try the Step Over for deceptive moves, Nutmeg for clever passes, Chop to change direction swiftly, and Scissor Kick for mid-air strikes. Want to master the Cruyff Turn like a pro? Engage in the Elastico move by pushing the ball one way before pulling it back. And for advanced tricks, discover the V-Pull, Roulette, Rainbow Flick, and Maradona Turn. Just a taste of what's in store for your soccer skills!

5 Essential Soccer Tricks for Beginners

For beginner soccer players, mastering a few essential tricks can greatly enhance your gameplay skills on the field. Popular among beginners are the Step Over, Nutmeg, Chop, and Scissor Kick.

The Step Over is a deceptive move where you step over the ball without touching it, confusing defenders and creating opportunities to advance.

To perform the Nutmeg, also known as a 'meg,' simply pass the ball through your opponent's legs to gain an advantage.

The Chop involves using the inside or outside of your foot to swiftly change direction and leave defenders behind.

Lastly, the Scissor Kick is a spectacular way to score by executing a scissoring motion with your legs to strike the ball mid-air.

These tricks not only add flair to your game but also help in outwitting opponents and scoring goals. Incorporating these moves into your repertoire can make you a formidable force on the soccer field.

Mastering the Cruyff Turn Technique

Mastering the Cruyff Turn technique involves perfecting the art of deceiving opponents with a swift and precise ball control method. This deceptive move, named after the legendary Johan Cruyff, requires a quick change in direction to create space and beat defenders effectively.

Soccer players at all levels are taught this fundamental skill due to its simplicity and efficiency on the field. To execute the Cruyff Turn, drag the ball behind your standing leg using the inside of your foot. The key to mastering this technique lies in the ability to control the ball with precision while tricking your opponents with the sudden change in direction.

Perfecting the Elastico Move

mastering soccer s elastico trick

To excel in your soccer skills repertoire, perfecting the Elastico move is a dynamic and deceptive technique that can elevate your game to the next level. Also known as the flip-flap, the Elastico move was made famous by Brazilian legend Ronaldinho.

This move involves using the inside of your foot to push the ball in one direction before swiftly dragging it back in the opposite direction, requiring precise timing and coordination to deceive opponents effectively.

Mastering the Elastico involves practicing at varying speeds to enhance control and the ability to execute the move in different game scenarios. By incorporating the Elastico into your dribbling repertoire, you can surprise defenders, create space, and open up scoring opportunities on the field.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Nutmeg

Executing a successful nutmeg in soccer requires precise timing and quick decision-making on the field. To perform a nutmeg, look for an opportunity when your opponent's legs are slightly apart.

As you approach the defender, use a quick change of direction or a fake shot to create space and set up the nutmeg. Pass the ball through the opponent's legs with precision, aiming to surprise them and beat them in the process.

The nutmeg isn't just a flashy move; it can also be an effective way to bypass a defender and create scoring opportunities for your team. Remember, timing is vital when attempting a nutmeg, so be patient and wait for the right moment to execute the skill.

With practice and confidence, you can master the nutmeg and add a stylish flair to your gameplay.

Advanced Soccer Tricks for Pros

mastering advanced soccer skills

Explore the intricate world of advanced soccer tricks used by professional players to outmaneuver opponents on the field.

Pros utilize a range of advanced moves like the V-Pull, where they deftly drag the ball back in a V-shape motion using the bottom of their foot to create space and deceive defenders.

The Roulette, also known as the Marseille Turn, is a swift 360-degree spin that allows players to quickly change direction and evade their opponents with finesse.

For those looking to add flair, the Rainbow Flick is a show-stopping trick where the ball is elegantly flicked over the head using the back of the foot in one fluid motion.

The Scissor Kick showcases a player's acrobatic skill as they strike the ball mid-air by crossing one leg over the other in a scissor-like movement.

Lastly, the Maradona Turn, made famous by the legendary Diego Maradona, involves a rapid 180-degree spin to outwit defenders and leave them trailing in the player's wake.

Mastering these advanced tricks can elevate your game to new heights.


So there you have it, five essential soccer tricks to add to your repertoire. Keep practicing and perfecting these moves to impress your teammates and opponents.

Did you know that the Cruyff Turn was named after Dutch soccer legend Johan Cruyff, who popularized the move during his playing career?

Keep working on these tricks and you'll be sure to stand out on the field!